Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stay at Home Mom

It was so fun being a stay at home mom. I loved the marathon Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, Reading Rainbow mornings. We'd go for walks to the park, sometimes on roller blades (not me) and saunter back (me carrying the roller blades) for peanut butter lunch. I'd make a pot of coffee after we ate. I didn't care that it would keep me up late. Now, I have to go to bed early to make it through the teaching day. The neighborhood is different during the day - slow, flowery and lazy. After work, it's cars, cars, cars and an occasional bike riding child - one's who is lucky enough to avoid programmed youth sports. I miss going to the grocery store in the morning and listening to the kids beg for treats and toys. It's a good thing to experience the sun moving across the sky. I get tired of florescent lights. Because, now I spend the day in a building with 1200 kids, but I do like the community in that. I like my fellow teachers, whether I see Cindi in the library for a quick chat, or I talk to Don, Brad, Ann and Kathleen while we eat our sack lunches in the teachers' lounge. So, even though working saps my energy, there are up sides to it. And, I am kind of amazed I can do it.

1 comment:

Bradley W. Maston said...

I agree. It is good to watch the sun move across the sky. When will there be time?
